The captive industry has grown in influence, scope, and international recognition in the recent years. A formal captive feasibility study enables our clients to understand the financial, operational and risk management benefits of a captive. RISCS CWC offers a wide ranging feasibility study as shown below.

The study conclude with our recommendation of:​
Type of Structure
Preferred Domicile
Expected Costs
Third-party Captive Manager
To ensure that the whole process runs as smoothly as possible, a client should allow up to 6 months from the decision to proceed with a feasibility study to the day when the captive is incorporated and issues its first policy. Of course, the timeline can vary – the shortest time it has taken us to establish a vehicle is 8 weeks and the longest just over a year. The feasibility process typically takes 6 to 8 weeks from the moment a decision is made to commission a feasibility study.

RISCS CWC provides independent, innovative, strategic risk consultancy to brokers, underwriters, corporates, and captives across the world. Drawing on decades of experience in the global captive and ART industry, we work with our clients to build an individual RISCS CWC Strategic Risk Pathway. Delivering a range of services and knowledge from the very first tentative self-insurance steps through to full captive operation and protection, we work with and support our clients every step of the way.