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Captive Pre-Feasibility Reports

Deciding whether to establish a captive vehicle is a major step for any organisation, regardless of size. Whilst captives are highly flexible risk management tools, they are not the right fit for all organisations. At RISCS CWC we believe that the most useful preliminary tool to help an organisation determine whether a captive is a worthwhile investment is our Pre-Feasibility Report which will be followed, if appropriate by our Captive Feasibility Study; both of these are part of the RISCS CWC Strategic Risk Pathway, our proprietary process that provides ongoing and independent captive advisory services for our clients.


Each client’s Strategic Risk Pathway will be designed to their specific individual needs, delivering a range of advisory services and knowledge from the very first tentative self-insurance steps through to full captive operation and protection, ongoing evolution and growth, restructuring, domicile migration and run-off/exit as needed.


The RISCS CWC Pre-Feasibility Report is not intended to replace a captive feasibility study and as such should not be considered to be a formal recommendation to proceed with the establishment of a captive.


The purpose of the report is to help clients decide whether the high-level numbers based on preliminary information and certain assumptions we make based on that information, merit further investigation of a captive through a Captive Feasibility Study.


The RISCS CWC Captive Pre-Feasibility Report investigates the following:


  • High-level review of historic premium and claims performance for the classes of insurance that are being considered for inclusion in a captive vehicle

  • Initial thoughts regarding potential captive programme design

  • Preliminary review of potential incorporation and running costs

  • Captive viability commentary and recommendations

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